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Current trends in business management

Current trends in business management, which should also be taken into account by 2022

Trends extracted and translated directly from Forbes and Business Harvard Review articles.

Working remotely or from home has become a very common practice due to the COVID-19 quarantine. Companies were forced to make an abrupt and sudden change in their way of working, time and experience have allowed this modality to be adjusted during the year 2021. That is, they went from working from home in basic conditions, to gradually implement complementary elements that would make this modality much more productive, such as: adequate equipment for remote work stations, mental health support, and flexibility in the work location. The latter refers to the prioritization of the result, passing the strict schedule to the background; This means giving the employee the freedom to manage their time as long as they fulfill their work commitments.

The importance of data or data as an asset of the company, based on the optimization of the information obtained from consumer behavior, which allows assertive decision making. The importance of innovation in current and future business models, evidencing the value of constant transformation and timely reaction to market changes. In addition, within this race to act on time, the tendency to hire personnel for a short time and expand collaborations with other companies was identified, in order to meet needs without having to enter into training processes, which could result in a slower reaction to certain market situations.

On the other hand, the automation of processes and functions was identified as a trend that would reduce the occupation of the workforce in functions that can be carried out through technological options, and thus be able to concentrate staff on tasks where they are really essential. Likewise, the trend of decentralization of capital was found, through capital raising options such as crowdfunding or blockchain technology, in order to allow companies to acquire capital in a simpler way than with traditional processes and channels. (Marr, 2020, p.1).

In the same way, four trends were found that would be closely connected: first, the move from the global to the local, as a consequence of different global and local problems. In Colombia, the pandemic and the national strike brought with it the interruption of the supply chains of many companies, which clearly led them to think about local solutions, and this trend is perfectly complemented by environmental awareness. Secondly, sustainability is defined as the balance and proper use of resources, without compromising their future use, which invites production practices and processes with a lower environmental impact (Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Legal Spanish, 2020, p. .1). This trend has become one of the most acclaimed by consumers, since they are looking for companies committed to causes that they support.

Third, the tendency to carry out work with a purpose and that are meaningful, currently the workforce is looking for companies that are governed by their same values, they are looking for spaces that allow them to contribute to society and the entire world, and platforms that allow us to go further, creating a positive impact. So are consumers, who prefer companies that fight for the same causes or at least similar causes. Lastly, and fourthly, the trend in the use of social networks with a more social engagement and commitment, social networks will continue to be used as a means to interact with consumers, however, the current trend that has been evidenced consists of in making this interaction a little more real. Show the daily and authentic situations of companies that allow reflecting the values, principles and causes they support, in order to create a true connection with the consumer.

Bibliographic references:

Marr, B., (7 December 2020). The 10 Biggest Business Trends For 2021 Everyone Must Be Ready For. Forbes magazine website. Retrieved September 23, 2021, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2020/12/07/the-10-biggest-business-trends-for-2021-everyone-must-be-ready -for/?sh=60ddc670c585
Kropp, B., (January 14, 2021). 9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2021 and Beyond. Business Harvard Review website. Retrieved on September 23, 2021, from https://hbr.org/2021/01/9-trends-that-will-shape-work-in-2021-and-beyond

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